Eyes meet, palms sweat, hearts race, sparks fly, instant attraction, butterflies, lost composure, word stumbling and nervous laughs. Wow! True love has finally found you. Love is an emotion that is truly amazing. It lightens the heart and makes sure all your days are loaded with sheer delight. It makes you spontaneous, it energizes you and is as comforting as an evening summer breeze. You laugh at the same things and phone calls melt the heart. Being away from each other for minutes seem like hours because concentrating on something that doesn't involve the other is a thought in vain. To keep your hands off each other is a monumental feat. And if someone can't get with the program and accept the love you've found they become dispensable.
When the Heart and Love Isn't on the Same Accord
Broken Hearts, But Incredible Memories
Lying in the bed in need of sleep but without the peace of it. Hurting and cursing the tears that refuse to stop falling. Begging a broken heart not to drag the pain of love lost into a day that has no sympathy for the weak. Who do you call when you don't want to be told to move on when you're in love? So easy to tell some one that has no fight left in them that the pain of losing the love of their life will cease if they just stop looking back. That advice doesn't work until love says so. It's not water, you can't just turn it on and off. How in the hell do you pull the plug on love when it's very much alive? In others eyes you are the epitome of a fool. Hypocrites. They've gone through the same thing and no one could tell them to let go.
Broken Heart, But Incredible Memories is about the love you don't want to lose. How you want to give your heart a break because it has suffered enough. Hoping when there's no hope. Crying when laughing used to be so much easier. Loving when someone else can't see the vision anymore. Wanting to stay together when it's so obvious there's nothing left. Wishing that one more chance can make all the difference in the world. But how can it when both people aren't willing to put forth the effort?